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More about content

What we call the “Content,” is the text and images that fill the main space on your new website. You can put nearly anything here – including text, pictures, and forms.  To add and edit content, on any page, use our very own Content Editor. Access the content editor by clicking the  icon in the Express Bar.


The Content Editor is entirely WYSIWYG (An Acronym for What You See Is What You Get). This allows you to enter your content visually; so you do not need to learn any advanced coding. It works exactly the same way word processors do – and you will probably find the icons in the editor to be very familiar.

‘A picture is worth a thousand words!’

To add images, use the icon, located in the editor menu. This will allow you to easily upload and add images to your website. Once you have uploaded an image, the tool automatically creates thumbnails of your image – and links the thumbnails to larger versions of the image. (The entire process is completed in just one click, so don’t sweat creating that next photo album!)


More features of the icon

The icon serves other purposes too. By clicking in the content editor, you are also able to create professional web forms that your visitors can enter information into. Information from the forms is then sent to your email address. (Just like the pros do it!) You may also place links to your other site pages using the  icon. Just click the "Link To Page" tab, and select a page.


Other icons in the editor

To make the visual editing area bigger, use the icon. First, make your browser window the desired size. Once you have dragged your window to a desired size, click the  icon to maximize the editor.  


Once you have finished working with your content, you can save the content to by clicking the  icon. Make sure you always give 2MExpress a chance to refresh itself if you are using a slow internet connection.


Be sure to keep in mind:

The content editor gives you the ability to format your text in many different ways, including changing text color. By modifying the default text color, you override default template text colorations, which may affect the aesthetics of your website. Therefore, we strongly encourage you not to change the default text color of your content.

Modified: 07/09/08 09:21:00
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